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85% of Canadians feel a responsibility to future generations to protect the planet, so how can we step up for sustainability?

kids recycling compost in kitchen

New Maple Leaf Foods survey and sustainability streeters share Canadians’ perspectives on climate change.

By Randy Huffman, Chief Food Safety and Sustainability Officer

At Maple Leaf Foods, every day is Earth Day. We don’t wait for solutions to protect the planet — we create them. In the fight against climate change, action matters and it’s important we step up for sustainability together.

Maple Leaf Foods’ commitment to the Science Based Targets Initiative is a bold and public commitment, but it doesn’t stop there. As Chief Food Safety and Sustainability Officer at Maple Leaf Foods, I’m passionate about protecting the planet and doing our part to bring Canadians on this journey with us. Our new survey results show that 85 per cent of Canadians feel a responsibility to future generations to protect the planet. We took to the streets to capture their perspectives on climate change first-hand. Read on to be inspired by how Canadians responded to our research findings and hear what they’re doing at home to step up for sustainability.

Clip 1: Protecting the environment

Our research shows that 60 per cent of Canadians say there is more they could be doing to help the environment, but don’t know where to start. As the world’s first carbon neutral protein company, Maple Leaf Foods has been sharing resources such as our Green Glossary to help educate Canadians on environmental sustainability and provide easy-to-incorporate tips on how to implement these changes into our everyday lives. From the kitchen to the garden, Canadians are finding more and more ways to implement eco-friendly habits.

Clip 2: Limiting food waste

Did you know, Canadians waste 2.2 million tonnes of food a year? That’s equal in emissions to two million cars on the road. Sixty-nine per cent of Canadians say limiting food waste is a priority and want examples of recipes that help reduce food waste. If zero-waste cooking is important to you, check out our very own Chef Sam’s All Taste No Waste cookbook. From sustainable grocery shopping to ‘upcooking’ last night’s meal into a tasty new dish, there’s ways for everyone to make new habits that suit their lifestyle.

Clip 3: Sustainable food habits

Our survey results showed over three quarters of Canadians recycle daily (78 per cent), and 46 per cent make composting a daily sustainable habit. The more we commit to sustainable habits today, the better chance we have of instilling these practices in the next generation of eco heroes. That said, 82 per cent of youth are committed to building a sustainable world and many kids are more environmentally savvy than adults!

Clip 4: Food companies’ environmental initiatives

Ninety per cent of Canadians surveyed say it’s important to them that food companies are transparent about their environmental initiatives and want to understand that the companies they are supporting share the same values. Many Canadians say they’d invest more if they understood a company’s environmental practices. If you would like to find out more about Maple Leaf Foods’ commitments to environmental sustainability, click here.

Clip 5: Understanding companies’ sustainability practices

Seventy-six per cent of Canadians surveyed expressed a desire for information about little changes they can make at home to help the environment. On our journey to become the most sustainable protein company on earth, we continue to share ways Canadians can step up for sustainability in their everyday lives. Consider taking part in the Little Changes Home Challenge which provides everyday tips for sustainable habits we can make without ever leaving home.

Clip 6: Step for sustainability together

Thank you for helping the environment and stepping up for sustainability. Got a tip to share? We’d love to hear from you on social media @mapleleaffoods.

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