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Celebrating Pride 2024: Pride, progress and embracing joy

Maple Leaf's "Love Makes a Family" sign

At Maple Leaf Foods, we have and always will believe that love makes a family. Join us as we celebrate the 2SLGBTQIA+ community this Pride Month and beyond!

By Janine Tamboli, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Pride Month is a celebration of diversity, and a testament to the indomitable spirit of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities around the world. This year, amidst the backdrop of political shifts and societal challenges, the essence of Pride has taken on a renewed significance – Pride is not merely a parade or a party, but a powerful declaration of existence, love and, above all, joy.

Reflecting on Pride in the context of today’s world, we at Maple Leaf Foods are inspired by the stories of those who, despite facing adversity, choose joy as their response. These narratives are not just about survival but about thriving in a society that often seeks to marginalize others. The legislative battles over rights and recognition, the protests against discrimination, and the continued fight for equality all underscore a reality that is fraught with tension. Yet, within this struggle, there is an unmistakable undercurrent of joy.

Joy, in this context, is an act of defiance. It is the rainbow flag fluttering in the wind, the laughter shared at community gatherings, the love between people. It is in the annual Pride marches that turn streets into avenues of celebration, where every step taken is a reclaiming of space, a declaration that “we are here, and we are proud!” The vibrancy of Pride is not diminished by the shadows of current events; rather, it shines brighter as a beacon of hope and a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

I’ve heard from Team Members across the company that Pride Month is a source of empowerment. They recall the first Pride Parade events in Toronto organized by the then-fledgling Maple Leaf Pride & Allies employee resource group – the overwhelming sense of belonging as they walked alongside strangers who felt like family. The joy was palpable, a shared experience. It was a reminder that we are all part of something bigger, a community bound by love and acceptance.

The joy of an inclusive work culture

One of the most profound lessons that Pride teaches us is that love makes a family. Families are not solely defined by traditional structures, but by the love that binds us. This year, as we don our rainbow colours and participate in Pride events, we do so with a heightened awareness of the importance of asserting that the diversity of our lives, our loves, our identities, and our families are worth celebrating.

I’m thrilled to be part of an organization that openly celebrates all kinds of families within and beyond our company. Each year, we raise the Pride Progress Flag at our headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario, to kick-off Pride Month. Year after year, Team Members share how important raising the flag is. In a world where 2SLGBTQIA+ rights are often challenged, we seize every moment to bring joy and show our support for this community.

Last year, we introduced gender-affirming benefits and enhanced family-building supports, reflecting our belief that love makes a family. This year, our team members in Winnipeg, Manitoba, participated in the 2024 Pride Winnipeg Festival, and we are also supporting Pride Toronto, showcasing our “Love makes a family” sign and supplying Maple Leaf® Natural Top Dogs™ at the BBQ.

Team Members volunteering at Pride Winnipeg 2024
Team Members volunteering at Pride Winnipeg 2024

As we come together for Pride, and to those who may feel disheartened by the state of the world, we offer this reflection: let joy be your anchor and help you find strength. In celebrating our identities, we forge connections that transcend the barriers of hate. Pride is a testament to the fact that joy, love, and acceptance are not just possible, but necessary.

At Maple Leaf Foods, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can feel the triumph of being themselves, openly and proudly. This Pride Month, and every month, we celebrate with you, and we continue to foster an environment where people feel heard, seen, valued and empowered to thrive.

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