Maple Leaf Foods

Job Alerts

Smiling people around a conference table

Welcome to Maple Leaf Foods Job Alerts

Creating a Job Alert

If there’s a specific job or position you’re looking for with Maple Leaf Foods, why not create a job alert and be automatically notified?

The setup is super quick and easy. All we need is your first and last name and email address. You then pick the department and desired location and click submit. And you’re done, voila!

Job alerts are sent out every Friday via email.

We wish you well on your job search journey.

View positions we currently have available

If you’re looking, we’re hiring! 

We’re on a journey to make safe, nutritious, and sustainable food for everyone. It’s meaningful work that gives our people purpose. Join us on our journey!

We’re looking for passionate people who love to take on big challenges. Sound like you? Come join our team!

Teami member holding thumb up and smiling